Monday, July 28, 2014

Out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light!

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 1 Peter 2:9

His call continues to draw us out of our old ways of thinking and acting into His excellent ways of living in marvelous light.  
What is the Holy Spirit drawing you towards thinking and doing today?  
What are the Scriptures showing you about God’s excellencies and pathways for living?  
What has He already done in your life that you are proclaiming to others?  God is calling them too, and you are part of His mouthpiece.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

It's Gonna Get Better!!!!

I enjoy life most of the time, but whether it’s a yummy moment or a yucky one I often remind myself that something far, far, far better is yet to come, and it will be unending.  After considerable writing about what’s ahead for those who follow Christ, Paul concluded with the following: “Therefore, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”  1 Corinthians 15:58

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

If You Really Loved Me

Someone said there are three kinds of love: I love you if…,  or I love you because…,  or I love you in spite of...  Obviously, God’s love for us is an “I love you in spite of” kind of love in that while we were sinners, and whether we love Him or not, He died for us and demonstrated His unconditional “in spite of” kind of love. (Romans 5:8)

But what about those three kinds of love between people?  Oftentimes people handle love only in conditional ways such as “because…” or “if…”.  In the “because” kind, loving responses are based on something they are getting from the relationship.  Many relationships are based on reciprocal “because” kinds of loving.  When one party ceases to need or be receiving from the other, the relationship dies. 

In the conditional “if” kind, loving responses are based on if you agree with me, or if you do what I want you to do for me.  But if you disagree or won’t support something I’m doing, we’re done. 

If we use God’s love as the reflection and definition of true love, then “because” and “if” relationships don’t deserve to be called love at all.  They are basically just standard human manipulations based on our insecurities and efforts to meet our own personal felt needs through interactions with others. 

Though unconditional love is a marvelous thing, there are times with people when even it isn’t enough.  If they only know “because” or “if” kinds of “love”, when they are given unconditional love that doesn’t include agreement with them or giving them whatever they want, they check out, and will often claim they weren’t loved at all or loved very well.

Where does this happen?  In marriages, among siblings, between parents and children, and in the Body of Christ.  Wherever love is expected, it can be misunderstood, wrongly defined, withheld, and a tool of manipulation. 

God expects us to love with His “in spite of” kind of love, and to “speak the truth in love” to each other, even when the truth isn’t what someone wants to hear or believe that it is so.  (Ephesians 4:11-16)

Bottom line: We should determine to love everyone with God’s “in spite of” kind of love.  And be sure the loving relationships we have with others are not ones in which we are manipulating them to get what we want, or letting them do that to us.  God’s kind of love does not manipulate.  It serves and blesses, but always stands with the truth.  (1 Corinthians 13:4-8 This passage says it pretty well, don’t you think?  J)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Help Somebody

This past weekend I went into a Taco Bell in early morning and saw what appeared to be a mother and her two girls get out of their old truck, split up and go into both restrooms, lock the doors and make quite a bit of noise with the water.  Seemingly getting “cleaned up" for the day.  We are all seeing people struggling just to exist and have something to eat.  

IDEA: Rather than be numbed by the numbers of people in this condition, find somebody who truly needs help and is doing the best they know how, and ask God how He would have you help them.  Most people in dire straits get more criticism and suggestions than compassionate help.  If a lecture would change their situation they would be in good shape.  The love of God demonstrated as compassionate assistance with basic needs can be a powerful witness, and is something Jesus did when on earth, and does today through His Body.  Do to others what you would want them to do to you.  Familiar ring?  We can make a difference for some.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Seemingly every place we look things are changing, and in many cases the changes don’t look good.  The national debt clock keeps driving the US economy deeper into a hole, while the economy is stagnant and the number of individuals and families in poverty keeps growing.  There is true human tragedy at our borders and stories of tragedy in the homelands from which people are fleeing.  Ukrainian immigrants in the US are worried about their families and friends back home and wondering what will become of their country.  Israel is in a fight for its survival amidst hostile neighbors and a passive if not hostile world.  Terrorism is widespread and growing all over the world, and Western democracies and Christians everywhere are the primary targets.  The Veteran’s Administration and the IRS are two of the many domestic government scandals near the top of the news cycle, undermining confidence in our government.  And all that barely scratches the surface of the troublesome news that blows at us and around us every day. 

What’s the effect of this kind of bombardment?  It wears on us.  It causes us to wonder what’s next.  It makes us want to find shelter from it.  It makes us want to escape to a place no country wants to take over and no terrorist wants to bomb, and where the economy is independent and simple.  It makes us want to turn away from people and avoid conflict wherever we can.  We want to turn inward. 

It’s important to recognize that such influences around us cause us to feel certain ways and think certain things are the solution to our discomfort.  While some responses of turning inward or making changes have some merit, others can seem good, but be very wrong and costly.  For example, deciding to spend more time with the Lord and His Word to combat the pressures of life is a good choice, while turning away from the Lord and seeking comfort or excitement in other people or places is choosing death to our souls.  It’s like going to the ocean to get a drink.  Some people think getting rid of their spouse or having a fling with someone else will brighten their life.  Some think a new hobby, sport or entertainment pastime will ease the pressure they feel.  Some decide to “party”, which is basically giving up on making life work, and trying to bring some passing pleasure into a life that is filled with disappointments and hurts.  Choices.  Winds. 

Someone said, “Since we can’t control the wind, we need to adjust our sails.”  Wise adjustment means setting them in a way that the winds of life push us closer to God, His people, and the important relationships and responsibilities that go with serving His eternal purposes for our lives.  His plan is that trials would grow our faith in Him and develop His character within us as we live in humility and grace with the people He has strategically placed in our lives and to whom we have made commitments.

When the going gets tough, the ones who stay on course get tougher, and are ultimately rewarded.  I pray for you, and let’s pray for each other what Jesus prayed for Peter, that his faith would not give out, even though Satan desired to sift him like wheat.  (Luke 22:31-32)

See also along these lines: James 1:2-4, 1 Corinthians 15:50-58, Hebrews 12, Hebrews 10:23-36

Remember, “It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13) and “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

Hang in there, and draw closer to Christ!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Keep Looking WAAAAY Up!

The news isn't good these days.  But guess what--God isn't nervous or caught off guard or hindered in any way.  We are with Him for the looooong haul if we're trusting Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  Whatever you see around you that's troubling, whether in your home or on the news reports, get outside, look up, and praise the One Who promised He'd never leave you or give up on you.  He's got you in His hands, and He's coming back to take you with Him.  He'll ultimately be seen as Lord of all by all, and will settle all scores justly.  Look at the clouds, the sun, moon and stars, and remember He knows each of them as He knows the very hairs of your head.  "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!" Philippians 4:4  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Just Be Nice

This Sunday (20th) we’ll be talking about the causes and effects of just being nice.  Most everybody can be nice when they want to, but imagine just being nice and never being mean or rude.  What potential for effective evangelism is there in just being nice?  If you have some thoughts, illustrations or examples along this line, ,please share them with me this week.  You may improve the Sunday message.  Wouldn’t that be nice!  Send to or text to 860-7170.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Feelings Like Snowflakes

Snowflakes seems like a refreshing thought during a week like this, but if they were exposed to these temperatures they would dissolve quickly and even evaporate.  The creation and preservation of snowflakes is dependent on cold temperatures.  
Our feelings about many things are similarly dependent upon various circumstances around us and thoughts we choose to dwell on.  It’s why feelings make a very inconsistent basis for determining actions, yet many people let feelings guide their lives.  
By contrast, Scripture tells us to keep our minds on the Lord and to guard our thoughts.  That secures good thinking, proper actions, and thus even improves the feelings we experience.  (Philippians 4:4-9, Proverbs 4:23, Hebrews 12:1-3, Colossians 3:1-4, and so many others!)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Football Practice is TOO HARD!!!

Imagine the mother of a football player complaining to the coach that her son is coming home from practice tired, hungry and sore, and that practices shouldn’t be so physically demanding.  Is that how we sometimes pray to God when life, and maybe even the devil is dealing challenging blows to us?  How did Jesus pray for Peter when he was in such a place?   “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32  …Perhaps we should follow Jesus' example and focus on increased faith rather than decreased difficulties.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

God is not a WINDMILL

Windmills are operated by the pressure of wind against them.  Whether considering Jesus’ instructions not to keep repeating ourselves in prayer like the heathen (Matthew 6:7-8), or Solomon’s exhortation to let our words be few in speaking to God (Ecclesiastes 5:2), or James’ reminder (5:17-18) that God affected the rain or drought on a whole country for 3 ½  years by the two simple prayers of one man, it is evident that God is not more or less inclined to act because a number of people are begging Him, using certain buzz words, or appealing to His emotions based on their own.  

While there are times when groups of people need to humble themselves before God and ask Him to change them, that is different than supposing that God’s will in a situation will be determined by how many people “pray hard” (whatever that means) for something they want or think should be done.  Remember: God is BIG, WISE, LOVING, FAITHFUL, and INVESTED in us as individuals and in the world as a whole.  We need to trust and rest in Him, and be thankful that He is in control from today thru eternity!